Sunday, 30 March 2014

Between the Bush and the Big City: radio documentary

A lot of people who have never visited a First Nations reserve or been hunting think that a truly traditional way of life is a thing of the past, something that happened a century ago.  Laurence Neepin however, at only 48 years old, has vivid memories of an upbringing in which he learned to live off the land, a childhood that many of us cannot begin to imagine.  For his father and grandfather, the wilderness experience was even more extreme.  In many ways Laurence represents the generation between the bush and the big city.  We examine some of the things he learned as a child and try to understand how his views on traditional Aboriginal education compare to that of the modern school system.  We encourage you to join us on this journey and hope you enjoy the interview.
By: Jeff Armstrong, Erik Wiebe, Nicholas Barker, & Robyn Melvin
Works Cited
Berry, W. (1998). The selected poems of Wendell Berry. Berkeley, CA: Counterpoint Press.
Music Sources
Dreams of the medicine man. (2011). On Native American flute (mp3 file). San Antonio, TX: Talking Tacos Music.
Dream soundscape. (2011). On Native American flute (mp3 file). San Antonio, TX: Talking Tacos Music.
A Tribe Called Red (featuring Sheldon Sunrise). (2013) Pbc. On A tribe called red (mp3 file). Toronto, ON: Tribal Spirit Music/Pirate Blend Records Inc. Distributed by Sony Music Entertainment.

Laurence Neepin and family

Thursday, 27 March 2014

The Need for Water: Radio Documentary

This radio program focuses on the very human need for water, and how Canada has been ignoring many of its citizens in this regard for quite some time now. In essence, it is about Aboriginal Peoples, and their rights to water. 

We explored different programs currently happening in order to better the quality of water (Create H20), and had a chance to talk to Wendy Ross, who is involved with this program. We also interview Katelin Neufeld, who has also had experience in this area of water quality and treatment. We also spoke to Kevin Lamoureux, a Professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Winnipeg. He gave us some important insights as to who is affected by poor water quality, and what it means to not have access to adequate water. He urges that we as educators need to understand that students who are not properly nourished will not be interested or focused in school.

The fundamental questions we asked included: Why should people have to test and treat their own water when so many of us can simply turn on the tap and expect clean water to come out? What are the personal experiences our interviewees have had with water? Their answers have been insightful and enlightening and the program is definitely worth listening to.

If there are underprivileged people in Canada, that means there are those who are privileged. We need to see reality for what it is, and help out our fellow Canadians.
Bre, Rebecca, Christy, and Coral

Winnipeg Water

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Radio- Documentary: Aboriginal Perspectives, A New World

In our documentary we identify the importance of Aboriginal perspectives in the classroom and who should be incorporating them. We examined four different educational perspectives, including a reflection on our own personal experiences. During our research we came to an agreement that an Aboriginal perspective is a valuable component of education. This inquiry allowed us to gain a better understanding about what an Aboriginal perspective means, but we were also left with more questions. Join us as we discover the positive and negative aspects of an Aboriginal perspective, it`s integration into the classroom, and what it means to students and teachers.

Producers: Julia Martin, Amy McLeod, Sarah Hawley, and Amanda Acquisto.

Photo Credit: ASC- Migizii Agamik at the U of M Facebook page

Featured on our Radio-Documentary:
Micheline Lesk-  Métis student, in the faculty of education at the University of Manitoba
Karen Boyd- Professor, at the University of Manitoba in the faculty of education
Michelle Wiebe- Student, in the faculty of education at the University of Manitoba
Carl Stone- Advisor, for the Aboriginal Student Centre at the University of Manitoba. 

Music:One Drum By: Leela Gilday,Darling Don’t Cry By: Buffy Sainte Marie,When the Sun Sets Over the World By: Winston Wuttunee.