Sunday, 25 May 2014

Robert Falcon Ouellette Runs for Mayor of Winnipeg
Ladies and Gentleman,

I announced that I am running for mayor of Winnipeg. If you would like to see my web site or learn more why I would consider such a drastic move you may go to my web-site at

I would ask that if you follow this web-site that you check out my other web-site and inform your friends of the great need of our city to move beyond what we we doing in the past. Our city of 750,000 people needs something different. I don't feel other candidates will offer the various insights into how Winnipeg has been run and the many problems that the old ways of power structures of our city have hurt all citizens. I am looking to give back and offer what I hope will be path to a better a future we can all build together.

I also have a facebook page at and a twitter account at

Tapwe and we will talk soon.


Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Dr Fred Shore: Thoughts on Native Studies

This is an interview with Dr Fred Shore (older and much wiser) from the University of Manitoba about his his thoughts on Native Studies, the Metis and some of the many projects that he is doing. I hope we all enjoy.

To Learn More (podcast)

Saturday, 26 April 2014

Exploring various Perspectives on Manitoba’s Education System

This radio documentary focused on four culturally diverse perspectives from individual experiences throughout the Manitoba education system. The documentary provides insight and evidence regarding the incredible disconnect between the expectations of teachers and the reality of providing aboriginal perspectives in the classroom. After completing the documentary we were left with more questions than answers. Some of these questions include, how can future educators become better prepared for teaching in culturally diverse classrooms, specifically in regards to the inclusion of Aboriginal perspectives? Should there be a mandatory Northern Practicum placement? Should there be a larger focus on Aboriginal perspectives and education throughout the faculty of education?

Included in our interview we have a seasoned teacher, a teacher candidate and two students who have graduated. All of which have asked to remain anonymous, therefore names and voices have been altered to help protect their anonymity.

Music: Ancient Winds Jose Cabezas Native American Flute
Sam Tease
Kaeri Rempel

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Canadian Roots Exchange

"Ever thought that a group of youth could change our country?"

We did. Still do, actually.
We are the Canadian Roots Exchange, a group of Indigenous and non-Indigenous youth who believe that in order to bridge the gap between Canada's peoples, we need to become educated and aware of the teachings, triumphs, and daily realities of our Indigenous communities. 
So, together we gather, travel and bring together youth in cities, towns, and traditional territories across Canada in an effort to break down stereotypes, open a dialogue, and build honest relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people living on this land.
The Program
The Canadian Roots Exchange is registered charity (registration number 832296602RR0001) that provides Indigenous based leadership, learning and reconciliation experiences to every youth that participates in our programs. CRE organizes three main types of activities:  exchange programs, workshops and conferences.  Central to CRE programming is the need to bring together Indigenous and non-Indigenous youth.  Regardless of the activity, we believe that having dialogue is necessary to foster understanding and reconciliation.

check out there cool video from vimeo. 

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Teachers of Aboriginal students: A Question of Perspectives

Our radio documentary discusses the view from teachers of aboriginal students. Our major focus is the challenge teacher’s face when integrating Aboriginal culture and perspectives into the classroom. We interviewed several teachers and students on the topic. Most of our interviewees wanted to remain anonymous on the radio documentary. However, they will act as some really good connections and resources for us as teachers. Sarah was the UMSU student who was comfortable being recognized in the documentary. In addition to her we interviewed three teachers and a Metis student. Our group members are Carly, Angie, Brianne and Sarah. We also brought our own views and perspectives to the radio documentary. As well, we drew information from the articles in the syllabus from the Teachers of Aboriginal Students section. We also drew information from the survey prepared by the Swampy Cree Tribal Council called, Community Active Members Youth Leadership Survey -2010-2011 Highlights Report.
treaty medal
Goulet (2001): “Two teachers of Aboriginal students: Effective practice in sociohistorical realities” in Canadian Journal of Native Education, 25(1): 68-84.
Smith (1999): “Educating inner-city Aboriginal students: the significance of culturally appropriate instruction and parental support” in McGill Journal of Education, 34(2): 155-167.,d.cGE
Kanu, Y. Teachers' perceptions of the integration of Aboriginal culture into the high school curriculum. Alberta Journal of Educational Research 51, no. 1 (2005): 50-68.
Terry Wotherspoon (2006). Teachers’ Work in Canadian Aboriginal Communities Comparative Education Review Vol. 50, No. 4 (November 2006) (pp. 672-694).
Swampy Cree Tribal Council:
“Community Active Members Youth Leadership Survey -2010-2011 Highlights Report.”

The Drum Song by Winston and Eric Wuttunee
When the Sun Sets Over the World by Winston Wuttunee

Group Members: Carly Russell, Angie Kuhnle, Breanne Berke and Sarah Lenhardt Mair

To Learn More (podcast and radio-Doc)

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

The Changing Aboriginal Woman’s Role in the Family and the Workforce

This is an independent radio documentary on the changing roles of aboriginal women since colonialization. This documentary was produced for the Faculty of Education at the University of Manitoba Aboriginal Education course EDUA 1500.Group members include Lana Jorgensen, Kyleigh Hurak and Rachael Smith.

To provide some personal insight we speak to Wanda Wuttunee (Professor in Native Studies at the University of Manitoba). Through the interview we examine aboriginal women's role within the family prior to colonialization and how the woman’s role in the family was well defined, but not restrictive. We examine how the arrival of the settlers brought many changes to the Aboriginal peoples. Primarily through residential schools, the settlers forced their beliefs and values upon the Aboriginal peoples that changed the role of women within the family.

Next Wanda Wuttunee explains how through the workforce aboriginal women have become the strong backbone of modern Aboriginal society. Like modern women they are overcoming adversity to participate in all spheres of the workforce. They use their traditions and traditional values to achieve success in their chosen careers and benefit their communities.
Interviews with: Dr. Wanda Wuttunee

Production Team: Rachael Smith, Lana Jorgensen, Kyleigh Hurak

Music: Woman of Red by Tracy Bone, Little Angel by Asani, Buffalo Song by Asani, Niwiciwakan by Asani, Eagle Man/Changing Woman by Buffy Sainte-Marie.

To Learn More (podcast & radio documentary)

Monday, 7 April 2014

Challenges Aboriginal Youth Face When Entering Post-Secondary Education: Radio Documentary

Our documentary focuses on the challenges Aboriginal youth face upon entering post-secondary education. We interviewed two Aboriginal students at the University of Manitoba who are both very active members in the communities they come from and their surrogate communities here at the U of Manitoba.

Clyford Sinclair discusses what he calls the ‘revolving-door’, where teachers travel to northern communities to teach for a short period, thus causing discontinuity in children’s education as new teachers are constantly moving into the community. Clyford also discusses the potentials problems Aboriginal students have when applying for funding from their band. He mentions that there is funding available but not enough for every band member who wishes to attend post-secondary education.

Sam Lewis is another Aboriginal student and shares his perspective on the importance of Aboriginal students entering the field of sciences in order to bring their knowledge back to their communities to consult on logging, drilling and mining industries. Sam Lewis shares Clyford’s view that there are inadequacies in northern students’ educational programs, due to underfunding and lack of support. Lewis explains having to upgrade his math and sciences in order to enter the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Manitoba.

In conclusion, Clyford identifies the importance of including Aboriginal perspectives into university programs by making an Aboriginal studies credit mandatory like the Math and Written requirement. Indeed this is not a solution to the problems raised in this documentary, but by making these changes at the post-secondary level, we can perhaps encourage more Aboriginal immersion into elementary and secondary schools as well, thus encouraging a change in societies perspective of Aboriginal peoples as a whole.

Interviewees: Clyford Sinclair, Sam Lewis
Music Used: From, The Soundtrack of a People, Rabbit Dance Song – Six Nations Women Singers , Iroquois), Shawnee Stomp Dance – Little Axe Singers, Beautiful Girl From Afar – Davis Mitchell (Dineh), Jig Medley 6 – Lee Cremo Trio (Mi’kmaq)
By: Gage Cherepak, Rosalie Girouard, Kristjana Michaluk, Arielle Slijker

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Between the Bush and the Big City: radio documentary

A lot of people who have never visited a First Nations reserve or been hunting think that a truly traditional way of life is a thing of the past, something that happened a century ago.  Laurence Neepin however, at only 48 years old, has vivid memories of an upbringing in which he learned to live off the land, a childhood that many of us cannot begin to imagine.  For his father and grandfather, the wilderness experience was even more extreme.  In many ways Laurence represents the generation between the bush and the big city.  We examine some of the things he learned as a child and try to understand how his views on traditional Aboriginal education compare to that of the modern school system.  We encourage you to join us on this journey and hope you enjoy the interview.
By: Jeff Armstrong, Erik Wiebe, Nicholas Barker, & Robyn Melvin
Works Cited
Berry, W. (1998). The selected poems of Wendell Berry. Berkeley, CA: Counterpoint Press.
Music Sources
Dreams of the medicine man. (2011). On Native American flute (mp3 file). San Antonio, TX: Talking Tacos Music.
Dream soundscape. (2011). On Native American flute (mp3 file). San Antonio, TX: Talking Tacos Music.
A Tribe Called Red (featuring Sheldon Sunrise). (2013) Pbc. On A tribe called red (mp3 file). Toronto, ON: Tribal Spirit Music/Pirate Blend Records Inc. Distributed by Sony Music Entertainment.

Laurence Neepin and family

Thursday, 27 March 2014

The Need for Water: Radio Documentary

This radio program focuses on the very human need for water, and how Canada has been ignoring many of its citizens in this regard for quite some time now. In essence, it is about Aboriginal Peoples, and their rights to water. 

We explored different programs currently happening in order to better the quality of water (Create H20), and had a chance to talk to Wendy Ross, who is involved with this program. We also interview Katelin Neufeld, who has also had experience in this area of water quality and treatment. We also spoke to Kevin Lamoureux, a Professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Winnipeg. He gave us some important insights as to who is affected by poor water quality, and what it means to not have access to adequate water. He urges that we as educators need to understand that students who are not properly nourished will not be interested or focused in school.

The fundamental questions we asked included: Why should people have to test and treat their own water when so many of us can simply turn on the tap and expect clean water to come out? What are the personal experiences our interviewees have had with water? Their answers have been insightful and enlightening and the program is definitely worth listening to.

If there are underprivileged people in Canada, that means there are those who are privileged. We need to see reality for what it is, and help out our fellow Canadians.
Bre, Rebecca, Christy, and Coral

Winnipeg Water