In 2008 the United Nations dedicated it as the International Year of Languages, warning that thousands of languages face eventual extinction. Canada a rich nation and a member of the G8 has done little since then to save the cultural treasures which were born of our native soil. Around the world a language dies on average every two weeks and many aboriginal languages in Canada are among those considered in peril.
I was so inspired after having spoken to him that I decided to use his source code and create the same app for Michif and Nehiyaw (Cree). I hope we can have the same impact on our young Cree and Michif people. The image comes from Darrick's web-site and as you can see he is able to create some great looking stuff. Now I just need to find the money!!!
More information can be found on his web-site Ojibway People and Language – The new native language app from Ogoki Learning Systems Inc.
here is Darrick talking about his app on CBC http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/ojibway-language-tutor-there-s-an-app-for-that-1.1855711
or my even better interview
To Learn More (interview podcast)
or my even better interview
To Learn More (interview podcast)
Ouellette, Robert-Falcon. (Director) (2012, Dec 12). At the Edge of Canada: Indigenous Research. Saving Anishnaabe one app at a time, Darrick Baxter and Ogoki Learning. [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from http://www.attheedgeofcanada.com
Ouellette, Robert-Falcon, dir. "Saving Anishnaabe one app at a time, Darrick Baxter and Ogoki Learning." At the Edge of Canada: Indigenous Research.. N.p., 05 2012. web. 12 Dec 2012. < http://www.attheedgeofcanada.com ›
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