Sunday, 25 May 2014

Robert Falcon Ouellette Runs for Mayor of Winnipeg
Ladies and Gentleman,

I announced that I am running for mayor of Winnipeg. If you would like to see my web site or learn more why I would consider such a drastic move you may go to my web-site at

I would ask that if you follow this web-site that you check out my other web-site and inform your friends of the great need of our city to move beyond what we we doing in the past. Our city of 750,000 people needs something different. I don't feel other candidates will offer the various insights into how Winnipeg has been run and the many problems that the old ways of power structures of our city have hurt all citizens. I am looking to give back and offer what I hope will be path to a better a future we can all build together.

I also have a facebook page at and a twitter account at

Tapwe and we will talk soon.


Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Dr Fred Shore: Thoughts on Native Studies

This is an interview with Dr Fred Shore (older and much wiser) from the University of Manitoba about his his thoughts on Native Studies, the Metis and some of the many projects that he is doing. I hope we all enjoy.

To Learn More (podcast)