Thursday, 23 February 2012

Dr James S Frideres: First Nations in the Twenty-First Century

This is a conversation with the great Dr James S Frideres about his new book First Nations in the Twenty-First Century published by Oxford University Press. Dr Frideres is a professor of sociology at the University of Calgary where he holds a chair in ethnic studies and is the director of the International Studies program.

We looked at issues surrounding residential schools, intergenerational trauma, heath and well-being and other important issues of First Nations and Canadians.
to buy his book


Friday, 17 February 2012

Dr Jessica Metcalfe and American Indian fashion

This is a discussion with Dr Metcalfe about her work in Indigenous fashion and the fashion world.

Dr Metcalfe is a Turtle Mountain Chippewa from North Dakota, and recently earned her Ph.D. in American Indian Studies (focusing on art, literature, and education) from the University of Arizona. Currently based out of Tempe, she is working to create a book from her dissertation on Native American designers of high fashion.

She talks about Lloyd Kiva New (1950's), the Savage Primitif of Virgil Ortiz, Tradition as innovation, fashion as a form of expression and communication, art as contributing to the cultural continuity, and sacred images.

She is also the host of a popular and controversial blog called


Thursday, 9 February 2012

Dr Bruno Cornellier discusses settler societies, colonization, and uses the example of Quebec.

Dr Cornellier gave a talk to the Native Studies dept colloquium series at the University of Manitoba on January 13, 2012. the title of his talk was OtherSettlers/Settling Other: The Contest over Nativesness in Quebec's Intercultural Debate.

BRUNO CORNELLIER holds a PhD in Communication from Concordia University (Montréal). He is a Postdoctoral Associate at the Center for Globalization and Cultural Studies (University of Manitoba) and he teaches media, film and cultural studies in the Department of English and in the Department of Women's and Gender Studies at the University of Winnipeg. He has published articles about national cinema and politics of indigenous representation in the Canadian Journal of Film Studies/Revue canadienne d'études cinématographique, Nouvelles Vues and the London Journal of Canadian Studies.
To Learn More (Interviews as Podcast)
Part I 

Part II