This is a conversation with Dr Michael Hart (Fisher River Cree Nation) of the Faculty of Social Work at the University of Manitoba. Dr Hart discussed his research into aging, elder’s experiences and graduated student’s experiences. He also discusses his important work in the field of ethics surrounding Indigenous peoples and how and why ethics in research is of prime importance to all peoples. Dr Hart was recently appointed a Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Knowledges and Social Work at the University of Manitoba.
Dr Hart's Research Interests:
Indigenous Ways of Practice; Mental Health and Indigenous People; Oppression, Colonization, and Resistance; Anti-colonialism and Indigenism; Disparities in Health and Social Services; Indigenous Knowledge and Indigenist Research Methodologies; families and fathering.
To Learn More:
Ouellette, Robert-Falcon. (Director) (2011. December 19). At the Edge of Canada: Indigenous Research. Dr Michael Hart: Canada Research Chair in Social Work [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from
Ouellette, Robert-Falcon, dir. "Dr Michael Hart: Canada Research Chair in Social Work ." At the Edge of Canada: Indigenous Research.. N.p., 19 2011. web. December 19, 2011. < ›